Divisible by two

  • 81Battelle Hall — is a multi purpose arena and exhibit hall located in Columbus, Ohio, part of the Greater Columbus Convention Center. It was built in 1980, and since then has been used for a variety of events, including concerts, trade shows, and sporting events… …


  • 82Shūgi-bukuro — A Nihongo| shūgi bukuro |祝儀袋 is a special envelope in which money is given as a gift at weddings in Japan.It is very common in Japan to give a gift of money at weddings. The giver inserts the money into a shūgi bukuro on which they have written… …


  • 83isobilateral — adj. [Gr. isos, equal; L. bis, twice; latus, side] Having bilateral symmetry where a structure can be divisible in two planes at right angles …

    Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • 84leastcommon multiple — least common multiple n. Abbr. lcm The smallest quantity that is divisible by two or more given quantities without a remainder: 12 is the least common multiple of 2, 3, 4, and 6. Also called lowest common multiple. * * * …


  • 85least common multiple — n. the smallest positive whole number that is exactly divisible by two or more given whole numbers [the least common multiple of 4, 5, and 10 is 20] * * * …


  • 86even — even1 evener, n. evenly, adv. evenness, n. /ee veuhn/, adj. 1. level; flat; without surface irregularities; smooth: an even road. 2. on the same level; in the same plane or line; parallel: even with the ground …


  • 87uneven — unevenly, adv. unevenness, n. /un ee veuhn/, adj. 1. not level or flat; rough; rugged: The wheels bumped and jolted over the uneven surface. 2. irregular; varying; not uniform: The book is uneven in quality. 3. not equitable or fair; one sided:… …


  • 88Lacandón — Mayan Indians who live in a rich tropical rainforest on the border of Mexico and Guatemala. Largely isolated, they maintained a traditional way of life until modern times, fishing, hunting, and growing vegetables and fruits. They spin fibres and… …


  • 89Guaymí — ▪ people       Central American Indians of western Panama, divisible into two main groups, the Northern Guaymí and the Southern Guaymí. The Guaymí language is one of the Chibchan group. The Northern Guaymí live in a tropical forest environment in …


  • 90odd — adjective /ɒd,ɑd/ a) Strange, unusual. Im the odd one out. b) Not divisible by two. Hes only worked odd jobs. Syn: bizarre, peculiar …
