First letter

  • 31Letter writer — Letter Let ter, n. [OE. lettre, F. lettre, OF. letre, fr. L. littera, litera, a letter; pl., an epistle, a writing, literature, fr. linere, litum, to besmear, to spread or rub over; because one of the earliest modes of writing was by graving the… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 32Letter-sheet envelope — Letter Let ter, n. [OE. lettre, F. lettre, OF. letre, fr. L. littera, litera, a letter; pl., an epistle, a writing, literature, fr. linere, litum, to besmear, to spread or rub over; because one of the earliest modes of writing was by graving the… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 33First Council of Nicaea —     The First Council of Nicaea     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The First Council of Nicaea     First Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church, held in 325 on the occasion of the heresy of Arius (Arianism). As early as 320 or 321 St. Alexander,… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 34letter of comfort — ˌletter of comˈfort noun letters of comfort PLURALFORM [countable] FINANCE a letter from a company to a bank in support of a subsidiary of the company that is asking for a loan; = COMFORT LETTER: • The bank may be content to be given a letter of… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 35letter — letter, epistle, missive, note, message, dispatch, report, memorandum are comparable when they mean a communication sent or transmitted as distinct from one conveyed directly from source to recipient (as by oral utterance). Letter is the ordinary …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 36letter of allocation — ˌletter of alloˈcation noun letters of allocation PLURALFORM [countable] FINANCE a letter telling someone how many shares they have been allocated when new shares are first made available; = ALLOCATION LETTER: • Investors will need letters of… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 37first-class — ˌfirst ˈclass also first class adjective 1. if something is first class, it is of very good quality and much better than other things of the same type: • We provide a first class, professional service for our customers. 2. using first class mail …

    Financial and business terms

  • 38First Battle of El Alamein — Part of Western Desert Campaign …


  • 39First Rays of the New Rising Sun — First Rays of the New Rising Sun …


  • 40First Māori elections — 1866 ← members 15 April – 6 May 1868 → 1871 members …
