
  • 121fester — v 1. suppurate, gather, matter, maturate, come or draw to a head; run, drain, discharge. 2. ulcerate, sphacelate; mortify, necrose, gangrene, putrefy, putresce. 3. rot, rot away, decay, decompose, disintegrate; corrupt, corrode, canker; spoil, go …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 122lesion — n 1. injury, wound, trauma, hurt, harm, impairment, sore or tender spot; disfigurement, disfiguration, defacement, mutilation; abrasion, scratch, scrape, scuff, chafe, gall, excoriation; cut, gash, slash, laceration, tear, rip, rent, run; stab,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 123papule — n pimple, pustule, papilla, boil, blain, furuncle, furunculus, carbuncle, wen, pock, whelk, Rare. bleb, Archaic. botch; eruption, inflammation, swelling, rising, lump, bump, wheal; blemish, mark, spot, pockmark, whitehead, Pathol. milium,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 124pimple — n 1. pustule, papule, papilla, boil, blain, furuncle, furunculus, carbuncle, pock, wen, whelk, Ophthalm. sty or stye, Rare. bleb, Archaic. botch; eruption, inflammation, rising, lump, bump, wheal, hive, blind pimple, ingrown hair; blemish, mark,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 125pock — n 1. pimple, pustule, papule, papilla, boil, blain, furuncle, furunculus, carbuncle, wen, whelk, Rare. bleb, Archaic. botch; eruption, inflammation, rising, lump, bump, wheal; whitehead, Pathol. milium, blackhead, Med. comedo, Sl. zit, Sl. woogit …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 126purulence — n 1. suppuration, pussiness, puru lency, festering, running, mattering, rankling; abscess, ulcer, ulceration, fester, gathering, Obs. apostem, Archaic. impostume; canker, lesion, chancre, chancroid, soft chancre, simple chancre; boil, blain,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 127pustule — n 1. pimple, papule, papilla, boil, blain, furuncle, furunculus, carbuncle, wen, pock, whelk, Rare. bleb, Archaic. botch; eruption, inflammation, swelling, rising, lump, bump, wheal; blemish, mark, spot, pockmark, whitehead, Pathol. milium,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 128ulcer — n 1. abscess, ulceration, Pathol. noma, fester, festering, gathering, gumboil, Pathol. parulis, tubercle, Obs. apostem, Obs. apostemation, Archaic. impostume; canker, lesion, chancre, chancroid, simple chancre, soft chancre; boil, blain, Pathol.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder