
  • 81Inflation rate — In economics, the inflation rate is a measure of inflation, the rate of increase of a price index (for example, a consumer price index). The rate of decrease in the purchasing power of money is approximately equal. It s used to calculate the real …


  • 82Inflation-Linked Bond — Inflationsindexierte Anleihen (auch Inflationsanleihe, inflation linked Bond, kurz Linker, Inflationsbond oder Inflation indexed bond genannt) sind Wertpapiere, deren Kupon und/oder Nominalwert an einen Verbraucherpreisindex gekoppelt sind. Das… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 83Inflation Swap — A derivative used to transfer inflation risk from one party to another through an exchange of cash flows. In an inflation swap, one party pays a fixed rate on a notional principal amount, while the other party pays a floating rate linked to an… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 84Inflation in the Weimar Republic — thumb|German banknotes used as fuel.It was cheaper to use than wood.The inflation in the Weimar Republic was a period of hyperinflation in Germany (the Weimar Republic) during 1921 1923.The hyperinflation episode in the Weimar Republic in the… …


  • 85inflation rate — /ɪn fleɪʃ(ə)n reɪt/ noun a figure, in the form of a percentage, which shows the amount by which inflation has increased over a period of time, usually a year. Also called rate of inflation ▪▪▪ ‘…the decision by the government to tighten monetary… …

    Dictionary of banking and finance

  • 86Inflation Targeting — A central banking policy that revolves around meeting preset, publicly displayed targets for the annual rate of inflation. The benchmark used for inflation targeting is typically a price index of a basket of consumer goods, such as the Consumer… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 87Inflation Trade — A method of investing that seeks to profit from an overall increase in price levels. The inflation trade often involves trades in commodities, such as gold and oil, because their prices rise when inflation occurs. Everyone needs to protect… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 88Inflation Protected — The types of investments that provide protection against inflation or the rise in prices of goods and services. Most hard assets are typically protected against inflation. This is because commodities tend to appreciate during times of high… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 89Inflation-Adjusted Return — A measure of return that accounts for the return period s inflation rate. Inflation adjusted return reveals the return on an investment after removing the effects of inflation. It is calculated as follows: Also, a simple approximation for… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 90Inflation législative — L inflation législative est la croissance du nombre et de la longueur des lois et, plus généralement, du droit. On parle aussi, plus largement, d inflation normative (ce qui permet d englober clairement les textes réglementaires comme les décrets …

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