
  • 11The Edwardian Inventories For Huntingdonshire (1906) , Sophia C. Lomas (1906)
    Книга представляет собой репринтное издание 1906 года (издательство "London: Longmans, Green" ). Несмотря на то, что была… 679 руб

  • 12The Super and Duper: Starter Book: Teacher's Book , Sophia Zaphiropoulos (2000)
    "The Super and Duper Starter Book" has been specially written and designed to introduce children to the way English letters are formed and pronounced. Pupils are shown how to write the letters of the… 203.7 руб

  • 13Dippy's Adventures: Flashcards 1 (набор из 54 карточек) , Sophia Zaphiropoulos (2006)
    "Dippy's Adventures" is an exciting new three level course ranging from starter to elementary/pre-intermediate. The starter book gradually introduces students to simple new words and how their… 318 руб

  • 14Dippy's Starter Book: Flashcards (набор из 54 карточек) , Sophia Zaphiropoulos (2006)
    "Dippy's Adventures" is an exciting new three level course ranging from starter to elementary/pre-intermediate. The starter book gradually introduces students to simple new words and how their… 1027 руб

  • 15Grammar Booster 4: Teacher's Book (+ CD-ROM) , Sophia Zaphiropoulos (2003)
    The "Grammar Booster" series has been carefully researched and planned for beginner to intermediate students who need grammar practice. The key features include: grammar points are taught in short… 610 руб

  • 16Introverts in Love: The Quiet Way to Happily Ever After , Sophia Dembling (2015)
    Love is tricky for everyone-and different personality types can face their own unique problems. Now the author of The Introvert’s Way offers a guide to romance that takes you through the frequently… 1823 руб

  • 17Nuodėminga naktis , Sophia James
    Trijų knygų serija „Kilmingieji Velingamai“. Antra knyga. Niekuo neišsiskirianti dvidešimt aštuonerių Beatričė Mod Basingstouk nesitiki patikti kokiam nors vyrui, ypač tokiam gražuoliui… 220.51 руб электронная книга

  • 18Paslaptinga dama , Sophia James
    Trijų knygų serija „Kilmingieji Velingamai“. Pirma knyga. Ešeris Velingamas, Karisbruko hercogas, užklupęs ledi Emą Siton plaukiojančią nuogą, liko sužavėtas. Tačiau jo dėmesį… 220.51 руб электронная книга

  • 19Pažadinta aistra , Sophia James
    Trijų knygų serija „Kilmingieji Velingamai“. Trečia knyga. Jie niekada nepamirš Paryžiaus… Prieš penkerius metus išgyvenusi vieną nuostabią nuodėmingą naktį, tuomet buvusi tokia… 220.51 руб электронная книга

  • 20DSM-IV-TR in Action. DSM-5 E-Chapter Update , Sophia Dziegielewski F.
    The DSM-5 E-chapter Update bridges the gap between the DSM-IV-TR and the DSM-5. This chapter outlines the changes in the DSM-5 while using the original treatment information from the second edition… 391.65 руб электронная книга