
  • 61-ado — in COMMANDO (Cf. commando), DESPERADO (Cf. desperado), TORNADO (Cf. tornado), and other words of Spanish and Portuguese origin, person or group participating in an action, from L. atus, pp. suffix of verbs of the first conjugation (Cf. ADE (Cf.… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 62ado — (n.) late 14c., conflict, fighting; difficulty, trouble, compounded from at do, dialectal in Norse influenced areas of England for to do, as some Scandinavian languages used at with infinitive of a verb where Modern English uses to. For sense… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 63ADO — (ActiveX Data Object) a·do || É™ duː Microsoft interface that provides a fast and universal method for accessing different types of databases (Computers) …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 64ado — [ado] adj. et n. Adolescent : Un camp d ados …

    Dictionnaire du Français argotique et populaire

  • 65ado — fuss, pother, flurry, bustle, *stir Analogous words: trouble, pains, exertion, *effort Contrasted words: quietness, stillness, silence (see corresponding adjectives at STILL): calm, serenity, tranquillity (see corresponding adjectives at CALM) …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 66ado — [n] fuss bother, confusion, excitement, flurry, hubbub, to do*, travail, trouble, turmoil; concepts 46,106,388,633 …

    New thesaurus

  • 67-ado — ado, da sufijo 1. do …

    Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • 68-ado — ado, da 1. suf. Aparece en adjetivos y sustantivos derivados de sustantivos y verbos de la primera conjugación. Forma adjetivos que expresan la presencia de lo significado por el primitivo. Barbado, sexuado, invertebrado. 2. Otros expresan… …

    Diccionario de la lengua española

  • 69ado — ► NOUN ▪ trouble; fuss. ORIGIN originally in the sense «action, business»: from northern dialect at do «to do» …

    English terms dictionary

  • 70ADo 4 — Anschlussdose (ADo) ist die Bezeichnung für in Deutschland vor der Einführung des TAE Standards benutzten Stecksysteme bei analogen Telefonanschlüssen mit ab Schnittstelle. Anschlussdosen wurden eingesetzt, wenn der Teilnehmer sein Telefon… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia