
  • 61The U. S. Supreme Court , Greenhouse Linda (2012)
    For thirty years, Linda Greenhouse, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The U. S. Supreme Court: A Very Short Introduction, chronicled the activities of the justices as the Supreme Court… 674 грн (только Украина)

  • 62Trading Secrets. Spies and Intelligence in an Age of Terror , Huband Mark (2013)
    Whose agenda do spies serve? In this gripping book, former FT security correspondent Mark Huband takes us inside the shadowy world of intelligence-gathering. Drawing on archive material, unpublished… 1762 грн (только Украина)

  • 63Cinq sur cinq. Evaluation de la compr&233;hension orale au niveau A2 (+ Audio CD) , Rosalba Rolle-Harold (2010)
    Cet ouvrage est compos&233;: d`un CD audio comprenant 29 documents sonores (dialogues ou monologues) qui illustrent des situations tir&233;es de la vie quotidienne des Fron&231;ais. Les savoir-faire… 2935 грн (только Украина)

  • 64Counting One`s Blessings , Shawcross William (2012)
    One of the great revelations of William Shawcross`s official biography was the Queen Mother`s private correspondence. Indeed, The Sunday Times described her letters as wonderful... brimful of… 2784 грн (только Украина)

  • 65Delf scolaire niveau A2 guide pedagogique (+ Audio CD) , Dominique Chevallier
    Cet ouvrage s`adresse&224; tous les&233;l&232;ves qui souhaitent se pr&233;senter aux&233;preuves du dipl&244;me du minist&232;re fran&231;ais de la jeunesse, de l`&233;ducation nationale et de la… 1457 грн (только Украина)

  • 66Good German , Joseph Kanon (2004)
    Jake Geismar cut his teeth as a foreign correspondent in pre-war Berlin. When he returns in 1945 to cover the Potsdam conference he finds the city unrecognisable - streets have vanished beneath the… 1049 грн (только Украина)

  • 67The Quiet American , Graham Greene (2004)
    Into the intrigue and violence of Indo-China comes Pyle, a young idealistic American sent to promote democracy through a mysterious Third Force . As his naive optimism starts to cause bloodshed, his… 1138 грн (только Украина)

  • 68The Litvinenko File , Sixsmith Martin (2007)
    This work tells the true story of a death foretold. On December 7th 2006, in a Highgate Cemetery drenched with London rain, a Russian was buried within a stone`s throw of the grave of Karl Marx. He… 1244 грн (только Украина)

  • 69The Latest Bombshell , Mitchell M. (2008)
    In this first novel by CNN political correspondent Mitchell, a Washington, D. C. consultant lands herself in the middle of a high-profile scandal when a former flame is accused of selling military… 495 грн (только Украина)

  • 70The Bone Clocks , Mitchell David (2014)
    The dazzling new novel from the author of Cloud Atlas, at once the kaleidoscopic story of an unusual woman`s life, a metaphysical thriller and a profound meditation on mortality and survival. The… 1072 грн (только Украина)