
  • 91Isaac&# 039;s Army , Мэтью Бжезинский (2013)
    От издателя:1930s Warsaw was a thoroughly cosmopolitan, even swinging city. Larger than Chicago, it was host to a rich Jewish cultural life. It seemed inconceivable that all this was about… 619 грн (только Украина)

  • 92The Cambridge Companion to European Modernism , Перикл Льюис (2011)
    Modernism arose in a period of accelerating globalization in the late nineteenth century. Modernist writers and artists, while often loyal to their country in times of war, aimed to rise above the… 618 грн (только Украина)

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  • 94Lonely Planet Havana (City Travel Guide) , Sainsbury Brendan (2007)
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  • 95Tamara de Lempicka: The Queen of the Modern , Gioia Mori, Katarzyna Nowakowska-Sito, Victor Manuel Contreras, Victoria de Lempicka (2011)
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  • 97Bel Ami&Une Vie , Maupassant Guy de (2016)
    Une Vie (1883) and Bel-Ami (1885) seem almost diametrically opposed in tone and temper. The'Life'of the first is poignantly restricted within a woman's lot, while Bel-Ami is robustly masculine… 270 руб

  • 98Мифы большого города с доктором Курпатовым , Татьяна Девятова, Андрей Курпатов (2006)
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  • 100James Joyce: A Biography , Гордон Боукер (2012)
    Long-awaited and comprehensive biography of the great Irish author James Joyce James Joyce was one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, but he was not immediately recognised as such… 530 грн (только Украина)