on a sudden

  • 91Sudden oak death — acutie Oak Decline 240px Canker on an infected oak Scientific classification Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Chromalveolata …


  • 92Sudden — James Green aka Sudden is a fictional character created by the author Oliver Strange and after his death carried on by Frederick H. Christian. The books are centred around a gunfighter in the American Wild West era, who is in search of two men… …


  • 93Sudden Impact — This article is about the movie. For the monster truck, see Sudden Impact (truck). For the UFC video game, see UFC: Sudden Impact. Sudden Impact Theatrical poster by Bill Gold Directed by …


  • 94Sudden Infant Death Syndrome — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 R95 Plötzlicher Kindstod …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 95Sudden Death (film) — Infobox Film name = Sudden Death director = Peter Hyams producer = Howard Baldwin Moshe Diamant writer = Karen Elise Baldwin (story) Gene Quintano (screenplay) starring = Jean Claude Van Damme Powers Boothe Raymond J. Barry Whittni Wright Ross… …


  • 96Sudden Death (Film) — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Sudden Death Produktionsland USA …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 97sudden — suddenly, adv. suddenness, n. /sud n/, adj. 1. happening, coming, made, or done quickly, without warning, or unexpectedly: a sudden attack. 2. occurring without transition from the previous form, state, etc.; abrupt: a sudden turn. 3. impetuous;… …


  • 98sudden wealth syndrome — n. Stress and anxiety caused by the sudden accumulation of unaccustomed wealth. Example Citation: Even the winners on the [Antiques Roadshow] those who make it on air, tell and receive stories, discover sudden wealth are not delivered. On… …

    New words

  • 99Sudden stratospheric warming — A sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) is an event where the polar vortex of westerly winds in the Northern winter hemisphere abruptly (i.e. in a few days time) slows down or even reverses direction, accompanied by a rise of stratospheric… …


  • 100Sudden Cardiac Death — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 I21 I22 Plötzlicher Tod bei Myokardinfarkt I44 I45 Plötzlicher Tod bei Erregungsleitungsst …

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