prate about

  • 61clatter — Synonyms and related words: Bedlam let loose, babble, babblement, bavardage, bedlam, bibble babble, bicker, blab, blabber, blah blah, blast, blather, blether, blethers, bobbery, brattle, brawl, brouhaha, cackle, caquet, caqueterie, charivari,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 62gush — Synonyms and related words: abound, abundance, access, accession, accretion, accrual, accruement, accumulation, addition, advance, affluence, afflux, affluxion, aggrandizement, ample sufficiency, ampleness, amplification, amplitude, anabasis,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 63puff — Synonyms and related words: Aqua Lung, Danish pastry, French pastry, PR, acknowledgment, add to, adulate, advertise, advertisement, advocate, aggrandize, amplify, apotheosize, appreciation, artificial respiration, aspiration, asthmatic wheeze,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 64rattle — Synonyms and related words: Bedlam let loose, Klaxon, abash, abate, addle, addle the wits, agitate, agreeable rattle, assault, attenuate, babble, babbler, ball up, battery, bear, bear upon, becloud, bedazzle, bedlam, befuddle, bells, bewilder,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 65blab — I blab, blabber (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. i. babble, chatter; tattle, gossip. See loquacity, disclosure. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To reveal] Syn. disclose, tell, divulge, give away; see inform 2 , reveal 1 . 2. [To chatter] Syn.… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 66news — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Information of public events Nouns 1. news, information, intelligence, journalism; tidings, word, advice; knowledge, revelation; message, communication, account, dispatch, bulletin, communiqué; hard or… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 67go on — I (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To act] Syn. execute, behave, conduct; see act 1 , 2 . 2. [To happen] Syn. occur, come about, take place; see happen 2 . 3. [To persevere] Syn. persist, continue, bear; see endure 1 . 4. [To approach] Syn. creep or loom up,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 68gad — v. n. 1. Rove about idly, ramble without definite purpose. 2. Go unrestrainedly, wag, run loose. 3. Gossip, rattle, prate, babble, tattle, talk mischievously …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 69babble — 1. verb 1) Betty babbled about the stupidest things Syn: prattle, rattle on, chatter, jabber, twitter, go on, run on, prate, ramble, burble, blather; informal gab, yap, yak, yabber, yatter, yammer, blabber …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 70rattle on — rattle away rattling on about her grandchildren Syn: prattle, babble, chatter, prate, go on, jabber, gibber, ramble; informal gab, yak, yap …

    Thesaurus of popular words