prate about

  • 71clutter — v 1. litter, mess, tumble, jumble, scatter, strew about; disarrange, disorder, unsettle, discompose; disorganize, shuffle, dishevel, make a shambles of, Inf. turn topsy turvy, Inf. muss up. 2. clatter, rattle, racket; chatter, jabber, cackle,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 72molest — v 1. torment, afflict, plague, beleaguer, beset, besiege; harrow, worry, trouble, bait, Scot. fash; harass, harry, hector, badger, hound, heckle, pester, bother, disturb, Brit. chevy, Scot. sturt; exasperate, aggravate, annoy, vex, irk; irritate …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 73patter — I v 1. tiptoe, walk lightly; scurry, scuttle, trip along, skip, hie. 2. tap, pitter patter, drum, pound, beat; thrum, palpitate, pulsate. 3. spatter, sprinkle, splash, plash; fleck, dapple, stipple. n 4. pitter patter, tapping, rat a tat,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 74talk — [[t]tɔk[/t]] v. i. 1) to communicate or exchange ideas or information by speaking 2) to consult or confer: Talk with your adviser[/ex] 3) to spread a rumor; gossip 4) to chatter or prate 5) to use speech; perform the act of speaking 6) to deliver …

    From formal English to slang

  • 75tattle — tat•tle [[t]ˈtæt l[/t]] v. tled, tling, n. 1) to tell something secret or private about another, often out of spite 2) to chatter, prate, or gossip 3) to utter idly; disclose by gossiping 4) phv tattle on, to betray by tattling 5) the act of… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 76ghleu- —     ghleu     English meaning: to be joyful, to joke     Deutsche Übersetzung: “fröhlich sein, scherzen”     Note: extension from ghel “cry” or ghel “gleam”?     Material: Gk. χλεύη f. “ joke, derision “; O.Ice. glȳ n. “pleasure, joy”, O.E. glēo …

    Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • 77verbalise — verb 1. be verbose This lawyer verbalizes and is rather tedious • Syn: ↑verbalize • Hypernyms: ↑talk, ↑speak, ↑utter, ↑mouth, ↑verbalize …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 78hav|er — ha|ver1 «HAY vuhr», verb, noun, interjection. Scottish. –v.i. to talk foolishly; prate. –n., interj. havers, foolish talk; nonsense: »The havers the two of ye talk about auld Tam (Samuel R. Crockett). ╂[origin unknown] hav|er2 «HAV uhr», noun. a… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 79prat´tling|ly — prat|tle «PRAT uhl», verb, tled, tling. noun. –v.i. 1. to talk as a child does; tell freely and carelessly: »The two neighbors prattled on and on about their private lives. 2. to talk or tell in a foolish way; chatter: »to prattle in the most… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 80prat´tler — prat|tle «PRAT uhl», verb, tled, tling. noun. –v.i. 1. to talk as a child does; tell freely and carelessly: »The two neighbors prattled on and on about their private lives. 2. to talk or tell in a foolish way; chatter: »to prattle in the most… …

    Useful english dictionary