
  • 1separatist — SEPARATÍST, Ă, separatişti, ste, adj. (Adesea substantivat) Care se separă, se izolează de majoritate; care este adept al separatismului. – Din fr. séparatiste. Trimis de LauraGellner, 21.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  separatíst adj. m., pl.… …

    Dicționar Român

  • 2Separatist — Sep a*ra*tist, n. [Cf. F. s[ e]paratiste.] One who withdraws or separates himself; especially, one who withdraws from a church to which he has belonged; a seceder from an established church; a dissenter; a nonconformist; a schismatic; a sectary.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 3separatist — separàtist (separatȉst) m DEFINICIJA pristalica separatizma ETIMOLOGIJA vidi separirati …

    Hrvatski jezični portal

  • 4Separatist — Separatist: Die Bezeichnung für »Anhänger, Verfechter einer Abtrennung, einer Loslösungsbewegung« wurde zu Anfang des 18. Jh.s aus gleichbed. engl. separatist entlehnt, das ursprünglich im kirchlich religiösen Bereich »Abtrünniger, Sektierer«… …

    Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • 5separatist — index heretic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …

    Law dictionary

  • 6separàtist — (separatı̏st) m (separàtistica, separàtistkinja ž) pristalica separatizma …

    Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • 7separatist — c.1600, from SEPARATE (Cf. separate) + IST (Cf. ist). First used in a denominational religious sense …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 8separatist — [sep′ə rə tist, sep′ə rāt΄ist] n. 1. a person who withdraws or secedes, esp. a member of a group that has seceded from a larger group; dissenter 2. a person who advocates political, religious, or racial separation adj. of separatists or… …

    English World dictionary

  • 9separatist — [[t]se̱pərətɪst[/t]] separatists 1) ADJ: ADJ n Separatist organizations and activities within a country involve members of a group of people who want to establish their own separate government or are trying to do so. Spanish police say they have… …

    English dictionary

  • 10separatist — separatism, n. /sep euhr euh tist, euh ray /, n. 1. a person who separates, withdraws, or secedes, as from an established church. 2. an advocate of separation, esp. ecclesiastical or political separation. adj. 3. of, pertaining to, or designating …
